It may start with just One, but it must start... One person from One segment of The Body of Christ in Midland, for One day of One week, for One hour,praying on One target, One summer of 2011, for the One Church of Midland, to return to One thing... intimate union with Jesus, The Christ.
Monday, September 26, 2011
May The Words Of Their Mouths . . .
Prayer time for the Children of the Body on Saturday focused on the words of their mouths.
May they be a people who speak blessings.
May everything they speak bring Him Glory.
May they allow no unwholesome talk out of their mouths.
May they guard their lips and consider carefully before speaking.
May their speech be seasoned with Grace and Wisdom.
May the words of their mouths and the meditations of their hearts be acceptable in His Sight.
May their words set them apart as His.
May they utter no gossip, criticism, or complaint, but be committed to building others up.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Galatians 6:1-10
1Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. 2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. 3For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. 4But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor. 5For each will have to bear his own load.6 One who is taught the word must share all good things with the one who teaches. 7 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. 8For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. 9And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. 10So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.
- Cover each others back....& help restore fallen/wounded Christians!
- Sow to the Spirit & reap life....sowing to the flesh leads to corruption/death!
- Do not grow weary....the reward is coming!
- Take advantage of the opportunities to love....especially to other Christians!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Kingdom Men, Week 14
Thank You for Your kindness, Father. Thank You for Your patience. Thank You that You train us and discipline us, Father. Thank You for being gracious and for never letting us go. You are so good, Father. Teach us to be like You. Free us and deliver us that we may be like You.
Help us to know You, God; and in knowing You may the veils be removed that we may resemble You.
Lord, please remove vanity and self-promotion from within the hearts and minds of Your men. That we would have no appetite for our own recognition and notoriety but rather a burning desire to see Your Name lifted high. That we would bow and give honor to You and who You are. May self-promotion wither at its root that we would live for Your fame. Remove our ambition. Speak to us our name and our identity that we would no longer seek for vain and corrupt replacements. God, may each of us hear You call us by name and, by Your grace, have the humility to bow - offering our lives in full surrender.
Restore the hearts of the fathers to their children. Restore the children to their fathers. God, restore the hearts of Your sons to You! Father, we are Your sons. we want to love You, to honor You. Restore our hearts to You. Restore Your sons, oh God. Bring restoration, Father. In the rain, God, bring restoration.
for the singles of the One Church of Midland
at what they must be doing wrong
to deserve to
God, we lift up and up
the senior single here-
those that once loved
but lost that love,
some long, long ago.
help them
face forward
where Life is found
as full as Life was
back then
let them see today can be.
unaddict us to demanding lovers,
from getting weary of You--
so they set out--selves--
to hunt alone,
getting picked off
and snatched up
by compromises waiting.
--for strategic partnerships!
-healing for the suffering single
-that they move in motivational gifts
-occupying their roles in The One Church
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Passionate Worshipers
May they crave His Presence.
May their worship be the context through which they see all of life, not the other way around.
May they be willing to be foolish in the eyes of the world as they worship Him without shame, without reservation, with no guile in their hearts.
May their worship be in complete humility so that there in no one around them who receives condemnation, but only conviction that draws them also into passionate worship.
May they worship as they work, worship as they play, worship as they walk along their way.
May they even reach the point where they worship in their sleep as they contemplate His Glory in their spirits.
Only He can bring them to this point and we ask that He will do this thing in them and in all of us.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Married Couples in the Body
Faithfulness is what I need.
Faithfulness faithfulness is what you want from me.
This song sums up the prayer of my heart today for the married couples in Midlands part of the Body. I know that God has asked a lot of us to marry and give up ourselves (if we are doing it biblically) and to be faithful for a lifetime but that is my prayer today.
God, please cause us to be faithful, to YOU, to our spouses and our families. Lord please cultivate in us the ability to let go of things around us and faithfully serve our spouses and our children and first and foremost our Almighty God. Abba, I want to serve you wholeheartedly and I am flakey at best and indecisive and caught up in life as most of us are, please Father, help us to put it ALL away and focus on you so we can learn to be the spouse you have chosen for us to be. So that we can accomplish all that you have asked us too for You and for eachother. Thank you Jesus, Thank you for making a way for us to get through to our Father, for we would be lost without your sacrifice. i love you Father God, and I see that you are moving in a very unifying and wonderful way in the marriages that have been on rocky paths for a while! Thank you God, for loving us enough to pull us out of the mire that we have gotten our own faithless selves into. In Jesus' name, Amen
Monday, September 12, 2011
i lift up
the singles of midland
again tonight.
You see.
let them know,
remind them that
You see.
that You've not gone graciously blind,
nor are YOu content
to be a bland taste in their mouths.
oh, God,
Father of all.
what has been brushed aside,
swept under,
reveal, Revealer!
that You may rebuild
what we have denied.
let lies arise
as what they are
in these lives
and be shown
in all their "glory",
then denied.
we cannot see
without Your Light,
oh God.
reveal, Revealer.
build, Rebuilder.
gather the scattered
and arise from the ruins
of what we have done
to ourselves.
for the ashes
from fires
we started ourselves...
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Kingdom Men, Week 13
I want to be at ease and at rest with You, reclining as Your beloved disciple on Your chest. I want to be at work for You, with You. Please release freedom over Your church here: freedom from our busyness and routines; freedom to rest with You; freedom to stop, wait and listen. Freedom to STOP. Freedom to slow down. Give us the grace to to wait upon You. To wait expectantly without distraction. We are failing, please help us. Help us, by Your grace, to live lives of adoration not busyness; lives of obedience and sacrifice not self-centeredness. Please show us how. Show us the way and give us the strength to alter our course and to change.
Merciful Savior, deliver us from what drives us. Father, please deliver Your men from all the things we are driven by. Lord, our lives are driven by things that are not of You. We are driven by lusts and fears and selfish passions and delusions and woundedness and insecurity and pride. God, heal us and deliver us that we may be driven by Your Spirit; by Your heart, by a singular passion and desire to please You and to be like You. That we may be driven by true love and obedience... by the cross and the nails that are driven there.
Cast down the idols, Father - give us the grace to cast them down in each of our lives by the Blood of Jesus and the cross of Christ. Cast down the idols of self, of distraction and entertainment, and of the approval of men. Purify us. Purify our passions and our purposes. Purify our motives and our ministries. Purify Your Bride.
We have become like addicts, Father, strung out on this culture. We believed the lie. We have been seduced by its offers of ecstasy and escape. Even though we are now seeing its deception and understanding that it is a lie and death, we are hooked. Oh, God, please deliver us. Take us through detox. Cleanse us. Cut us off from our addictions, from this culture and this corruption. Purify us. Rehabilitate us that we might live. May we no longer be numb and dull and detached. Bring us back to life from this stupor of addiction. We want to go clean from this culture. We want to return to You from this rebellion, from this slow death on the streets and alleys outside Your dwelling place. We want to come home, Father. This generation, God, Your children, Your church, Your Bride: clean and sober.
Deliver us, God, that Your glory could be evident to the world. For Your Kingdom, for Your honor - that You may be high and lifted up among all creation.
Take these lives and cease them from meaninglessness and craft each one into something meaningful to You. Take our lives - our hearts, our affections, our time - and purge them of all that is futile. Fill them with what is meaningful and valuable to You. May our time, both active and waiting, be filled... be consumed by things of eternal worth. You are our Redeemer. Amen.
Teach Us To Number Our Days
Photo credit |
Thursday, September 8, 2011
for the women of The One Body of Christ of Midland
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Matthew 7:24-27
24 "Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. 26And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.
- I pray for this generation to build their lives of the foundation & solid rock that is Jesus Christ!
Jesus is Our Rock Christ is the Rock--1 Corinthians 10:4; 1 Peter 2:8
- I pray for this generation to choose to lay down the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, & the pride of life (1 John 2:16) and whole heartedly pursue Jesus!
- I pray this generation has the veil removed from their eyes so that they would realize Jesus is the only way & the answer to whatever they are searching for or needing!
Challenge: Instead of choosing the temporary, (the ways of the world that leads to disappointment & death), boldly make the decision to make Christ the Lord/Master of your life, the only solid foundation, & passionately follow Him!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Kingdom Men, Week 12
You are God! We worship You, we bow before You. Remove our idols. Remove the idols in our hearts: our wills, our pride, our reputations, our goals; remove the idols born of our lusts and pleasures. You are God, You are the only God. We have invented heroes and gods to diminish Your incomparable greatness and to desensitize ourselves to the enormity of who You are. You alone are a god, no other gods exists. The only god is the One True God.
You, alone, are God.
We worship You alone. There is none like You, God. There is nothing comparable to You. You are the One true unmade, unsearchable God. You are the Only. You are the One. You are all. We bow before You. I bow before You, my sovereign creator.
Please increase the time of fathers with their children. Holy Spirit, move upon the hearts of men and turn their hearts and their thoughts toward their children. Increase the love, compassion and holy desire of fathers for their children. Stir a longing in every father to be a father, to accept the mantle, to step up, to war for the right and the responsibility. Open the doors for fathers and their children. Open the doors, God. Equip us. Anoint us. Stir us up. Break the chains. Destroy the walls and barriers. Please fill the gulfs, the gaps, the chasms. Make the way, Father. Show us the Way.
Repair the breach and restore us to Your plan. Tear down the walls in our hearts, tear down the walls between us - the walls without and within. Place Your heart within us. Heal the sons. Heal each one of us and heal our sons as well. Heal us that we may be true fathers, heal us that we may be true sons.
Hos. 11:1-4
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Wisdom and Love
As we continue to lift up different parts of The Body of Christ, please pray for The Children of His Body. They are assaulted daily at school with things that tear them down and insult Him. Please pray that they will keep their eyes on Him and allow Him to be their strength and sustenance.
Friday, September 2, 2011
for the singles of The One Body of Christ of Midland
i pray against veils of deception,
like webs that creep and crawl
across minds and sight
of ones that have yet to fall.
may Spirits be strong!
and faith not fail.
may they not reel and rock
from one opinion to another,
from one path to another,
from one side to the other,
like all the others,
with two mouths,
or more.
...that others may see!
see a difference
between "them"
and "me".
difference is a must
for all who call
then let us follow!
follow wildly!
walk forward
without hesitation,
without apology,
without condition
or excuses
or silly reasonings
made by others before.
be multiplied!
disciple makers!
to the task at hand!
move out
and hold your ranks!
remnant! remain!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
kingdom marriages
I am painfully aware that I don't have the same mercy with my husband as God has with me. While I was praying today I really felt that asking God for an understanding of what being merciful is for every married Christian in midland, if we could all truly understand grace with our spouses and our loved ones, to really know how to handle each other and not get offended easily.
Something that God has been showing Andrew and I is the need for holiness, so I prayed for that too, that God would show us what holiness looks like inside our daily lives, what it is to strive for holiness and have our marriages look and sound like a holy matrimony, not just some people that got hitched and are now stuck together.
Lord Jesus, show us what marriage looks like to YOU and how to look different than the world in our marriages. Let us as couples be salt and light to the world, show us Father, how we can impact those around us for your Kingdom by being in a HOLY marriage, and in a HOLY relationship to you. In Jesus Name, Amen
Monday, August 29, 2011
for the women of The One Body of Christ in Midland-
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Kingdom Men, Week 11
Have compassion on us. Mercy and compassion on those depressed and in despair. Raise a standard, that those called by Your Name would look up and see.
Purge us and purify us - from compromise, from religion, from humanism. Purify our hearts, our motives, our words, our bodies, our minds.
Please tell us that all is not lost. Please speak to all of your men who, right now, feel lost and alone. Please, Holy Spirit, go and visit each one who feels helpless and defeated. Speak the truth, undeniably, into each heart. Speak to our hearts that we may be revived.
Restoration. Please restore us. Restore the wounded and broken-hearted. Restore the hopeless and depressed. Restore the disillusioned and disappointed. Restore the abusers and the abused. Restore Your men, Father.
Rom. 12:1-2
Saturday, August 27, 2011
A New School Year
Image from Photobucket |
Friday, August 26, 2011
for the singles in The One Body of Christ of Midland
thank You
for the answers to our prayers
that come as welcome rain.
thank You
for revealing Your will to us
so we know how to pray.
thank You
for teaching us to wait on You,
for nothing but good comes from it.
thank You
for satisfaction
that flows like Wine
from the heart of Your throne...
when we care to come drink.
create thirst, Lord.
for You.
unsatifiable in religion and traditions
that You have long vacated.
reposition, Lord,
your people
to our correct places
that we may function rightly.
cause us to stand in silence
before You,
acknowledging how little we know
and how big You are in that smallness.
more, God.
a remnant calls out for more!
we cannot stand the way we are.
it is not enough
for the task at hand.
cleanse us from wrong focus
that we may fix our sites rightly
to walk rightly
to aim rightly
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Kingdom Women of Midland
The Lord took me to the Book of Philippians. I meditated on the message of this book and then began to see that these were the desires for God's Kingdom Women of Midland. I outlined the prayer points and prayed over each Woman, including myself:
1. Father, I pray that Your love would abound more and more in knowledge and all discernment.
2. That Your Kingdom Women would be so filled with the Spirit that they could say with Paul, "for to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."
3. Lord, cause us to stand fast in one Spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel, even if we are called to suffer for Your sake.
4. I pray that we will do nothing through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself -that we should not just look out for our own interests but should look out for the interest of others.
5. Father, I pray that we will let this mind be in us which was in Christ Jesus.
6. Lord, teach us to work out our own salvation in fear and tremblingknowing that it is You that is at work in us both to will and to do for Your good pleasure.
7. Remind us to do all things without complaining and disputing that we might shine as lights in this crooked and perverse generation.
8. Train us Lord to not seek just our own, but to seek the things that are of Christ Jesus.
9. Teach us to always under all circumstances to rejoice in the Lord and have no confidence in the flesh.
10. O Lord, make the very core of our being a passion to know Christ and the power of His resurrection, joining in the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.
11. Reveal to us how to let go and forget about those things which are behind but train us to reach forward to those things that are ahead.
12. Keep us 0 Lord from ever allowing our bellies to be our god and to get our minds off earthly things.
13. Remind us to rejoice always and let our gentleness be known to all men.
14. Keep us aware that You have told us to be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving let our requests be made known to God for Your promise is that the peace of God which is beyond our understanding will guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
15. Help us to remember that whatever state we are in we can be content in Christ Jesus, whether we be abased or abound.
16. Never let us forget that we can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us for it is You, Lord, that supplies all our need according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
17. O Father, please teach us to think on whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, good report, and if there is any virtue or anything praiseworthy train us to meditate on these things.
I believe this was a very fruitful time of prayer and felt much was accomplished through the praying of this Book. These are prayer points that I will continue to pray for the Word is so powerful.
Betty Isaacs
Kingdom Women of Midland
The Lord had me focus on love this a.m. I read 1 John and meditated on it. I then felt the Lord was telling me that there is great pretense in the Kingdom Women because of the lack of agape love in their hearts. Many have confused lust for love and are operating with a spirit of seduction to obtain the love that only their Father can give. God sees the struggle that His women are going through and desires them to come to Him and receive His love, which satisfies the longing of each heart.
My prayer:
Father, I thank You that You know and understand the needs of Your Kingdom Women of Midland. Split the heavens and bring forth an invasion of Your Spirit into the hearts of Your Kingdom Women. I do break the power of lies and deception from Your women and ask that each one have a fresh encounter with You.
Father, You have told us that the world will know we are Your disciples for the love we have for one another. 0 Spirit of the Living God do a great work in the Kingdom Women of Midland to bring forth a greater capacity within each one to contain more of God's love for love covers a multitude of sin. May we witness in this day a great spiritual awakening brought about by Your women receiving Your love, walking in Your love and giving Your love away. Father, You say if we pray anything according to Your will, You will do it. I know it is Your will that Your Kingdom Women of Midland be baptized in Your love and my prayer is let it be Lord, even today! All the glory and praise goes to You for You are the one that changes hearts and lives, not man, nor the things of this world. 0' Lover of our souls, come and do what only You can do to perfect Your Kingdom Women of Midland. In Jesus precious Name I pray.
posted for Betty
Kingdom Women of Midland
Time with the Lord, seeking His heart as to what He sees in His women in Midland, TX.
Kingdom women of Midland are in Bible studies all over the city but when one observes the lives of many, their faith is shallow and very fragile when the tests come.
Jesus warns us in the parable of the sower that the Word of God that falls among thorns become choked by the cares, riches and pleasures of life, then the fruit of the Word is not brought to maturity (Luke 8:14).
Jesus bore the thorns on His head as a crown, piercing His brow and bringing forth His blood. He did this so we would walk free from the burdens and cares of life and our minds would be sanctified not hanging onto worldly desires of riches and pleasures of life.
I was invited to join 5 women I have mentored in years past to lunch this week. have not been a part of their lives in several years. These women are different ages and in different seasons of their lives. Each one has a very deep love for the Lord but are all at different levels of maturity. As I observed them, the two that have remained in a {{denominational" church, their doctrine not strong in the area of healing are struggling with serious health issues and did not have a great deal of joy. The other 3 have great joy, even though 2 of them remains in the "denominational" church. The secret: they have remained teachable and have embraced the "full gospel." The Word has brought forth mature fruit.
The cares of this life many times concerns health issues. We all have a choice how we will respond when we face these trials. One of the women is in her 80's and you would never know if she has health issues because her joy is so great and is continually about the Father's business. She is focused on the Lord and not herself! Amazing how so full of light she is. One of the youngest has totally separated herself to God, stayed in her prayer closet, seeking God and her life is full of blessings and joy! She has matured spiritually way beyond what I could have ever imagined for her.
The Lord reminded me in Heb. 12:26-29 that He says, "yet once more I will shake not only the earth, but also heaven." Now this, "yet once more" indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made (of this world), that the things which cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a Kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear for our God is a consuming fire."
Prayer points:
Kingdom women will have a great spiritual awakening and realize that hanging onto cares, riches and pleasures of life are keeping them from maturing in God.
Address the spirit of deception, breaking the strongholds off the women that they may embrace the fullness of God's Word and mature.
Break the power of unbelief from the minds and hearts of KW.
Prayed that the "Spirit of the fear of the Lord" would rest upon every Kingdom woman! (Rev. 4:5; Is. 11:2).
Heb.5:7 Jesus prayed with"vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard because of His godly fear."
posted for Betty
One Hour prayer for Kingdom Women of Midland
Many Kingdom women of Midland have holes in their hearts and are seeking many different things to fill up those holes, not realizing that Jesus is the only one that heals, delivers and satisfies. Many are looking to medication, alcohol, social status, things and activities, i.e., trips, vacations and etc. Because of the woundedness they are unable to concentrate on the things of God, only on their pain. Many turn to counselors, psychiatrists, all kinds of naturopathic medicines and doctors. When all the options are removed then most will turn to God and God alone. That's why God is shaking and will continue to shake everything that is shakable -to leave only those things that can't be shaken, which are of the Kingdom of God. Prayed for eyes to be open to truth and for ears to hear.
The Lord says, My people do not know Me -they are filled with unbelief because they do not trust Me nor know my character nor my ways.
O Lord wake the Kingdom women of Midland, bring us into our destiny, realizing it's not about us but all about You. Move in the hearts of Your women to illumine the eyes of our understanding and cause us to realize that we live in a very dangerous hour and we must be alert and self controlled that we might be able to pray. Pour out a spirit of supplication and intercession upon Your Kingdom women and draw us into our prayer closets. 0 Lord have mercy on us and prepare us for the days ahead. Teach us to forgive others quickly, not holding on to the pain of the past. In Jesus name I pray.
posted for Betty
For Kingdom Women in Midland!
In prayer today I felt very strongly that the Lord dropped into my heart a word for the Kingdom Women of Midland (including myself!). This is not "thus saith the Lord" but my impression of what He said. "I must bring you low to raise you high. Only through death can life come -remember, I have told you, "only a dead man/woman needs resurrection power. I will not give my power to flesh -"Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit." (Zech. 3:6) Many of the Kingdom Women of Midland are content to have fleshly power, which comes from mammon, and therefore, most do not seek Me that they might learn how to die. I will not leave them in their state of apathy -I AM, the "Desire of All Nations," is on the scene and pray!
I did pray over the women and broke the spirit of mammon that is hindering receiving God's power. I also spoke to the women to rise up and shake free of all apathy and receive the blessings of Life from the Lord.
It was especially encouraging for the Lord allowed me to sense the Spirit's hovering over the KW of I will definitely continue to watch and pray!
Betty Isaacs
The Lord led me to read Matt. 6 -Beatitudes then prayed them over the women
Personalized Eph. 3:16-19 and prayed it over me and the women
Had a sweet time of praise, worship and communion.
Spiritual warfare Prayer against: Comfort and ease Fear Pride Dead works of the flesh
I prayed for Increase: In Love In Forgiveness In obedience In Humility In Being a godly example (salt and light) In Knowing God's Word, ways and will
posted for Betty
Monday, August 22, 2011
Families of Origin
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Kingdom Men, Week 10
Break down our walls until we accept who You are and who we are to You. Build up our walls (a standard) against the evils of this world and the evil one. Wake us up, Father, from our sleep; from our deep slumber, from the numbness, from the coma. Send a shock through our system by your Spirit until we are wide awake.
Wide awake! Not in some emotional high, not artificially through medication, feelings or cheap thrills. Wide awake in the rush of Your Spirit. Clarity, utter clarity. Courage. I speak courage into the hearts of men. Hope. Nothing can separate us from Your love.
Send Your angels bearing armor and the weapons of our warfare to this battleground. Sound the trumpet, sound the alarm! From sleep, from slumber, from darkness and hiding - to battle. Train us, Holy Spirit. Teach us to use our weapons. Train us up. Quickly train us, as David went straight from the fields to victory on the battlefield. Thank You for our armor and the weapons of our warfare. (2 Cor 10:3-5)
Every lie and every bearer of lies to the hearts and minds of Your men is taken captive by the blood of Christ. I bring the sword of Truth to the throat of every lie speaking to the hearts of the men of God. No more rejection. No more fear. No more performance and striving. The weapons of our warfare are divinely powerful and I tear down every tower and foundation of lies buried in the hearts of God's men. Every thought is the captive of Christ. Father, do the work. Jesus destroy the lies. I release Your Truth, God. May it rain down upon us!
Teach us to love and to be loved.
Friday, August 19, 2011
for the singles of The One Body of Christ in Midland~
Abba of all of us!
we believe You are hearing our cries
for The One Body of Yours,
so thank You!
thank You!
thank You, Sir,
for Your lovingkindness
again and again
to us,
but forgive, O God,
our pretenciousness,
and the vanity of prides
of various sorts,
built up in self-defense,
over time,
to compensate for the insecurities inside
of not being "enough".
i am glad we are not enough,
for would we then need You?
so we rejoice in the coming revelations
that no, no, no.
we are NOT enough,
are laodecian,
and in need of obedience to Your kind revelations
in these last days.
o God!
let us dip down to knees
and bend,
bend to The Waters
and wash our eyes
from culture's webs
and blink again
to "see" clearly
what we have missed.
let us not waste our singleness
one day more!
for it is a grace.
a gift
few understand the value of;
for it means the gift of more time,
if we do not mispend,
more time with You
down here,
where we need You the most.
let even this weekend
that so many look forward to,
wasting the week,
let these two days
bring hundreds to revelation
that they chase fog
and illusions
that mask dark and long roads
no one wants to travel.
may they turn.
turn in their dusty tears
from what has distracted too long
to The Satisfier of their souls.
for the women of The Kingdom of Christ in Midland
Monday, August 15, 2011
2 Corinthians 10: 13-18
13But we will not boast beyond limits, but will boast only with regard to the area of influence God assigned to us, to reach even to you. 14For we are not overextending ourselves, as though we did not reach you. For we were the first to come all the way to you with the gospel of Christ. 15We do not boast beyond limit in the labors of others. But our hope is that as your faith increases, our area of influence among you may be greatly enlarged, 16so that we may preach the gospel in lands beyond you, without boasting of work already done in another’s area of influence. 17"Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord." 18For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.
- I pray for this generation to know/discern their area of influence. The people and places God has put in their lives, right now, to share the gospel with.
- I pray this generation operates in the grace that has been given and not grow weary, overload/overextend themselves, burn out or try to operate outside of the Lords grace.
- I pray this generation would be faithful with their God given spheres & not look to what others are doing (envious or jealous) or seek the approval of man but find their approval and commendation from the Lord.
- I pray for this generation to operate freely in the gifts and talents the Lords blessed them with in order to advance His kingdom.
33But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
I Will Set No Vile Thing Before My Eyes
Once again, we were traveling over the weekend. This time it was to help sponsor a group of teenagers from our little church on a trip to Six Flags. It was quite appropriate, then, that as they were sleeping in my suburban on the way back that I would get to spend an hour praying over the Children of the Body.
This prayer time covered many areas, but specifically that they would not allow anything in their minds that would "pollute." I asked Him to help them focus on whatever things are true, right, pure, lovely, admirable, praiseworthy, noble, and excellent. Also included was prayer for the parents or those in authority over the Children of the Body to be very aware of their role as a protective head and covering over them and for them to understand that the things they allow in their lives that are not of Him can make a "hole in their umbrella of protection" over their children.
for the women of The One Body of Christ in Midland
As I drew aside with the Lord I began to think about the role of God's Kingdom Women and was led to read Prov. 31:10-31, the description of a virtous wife. In reading this I could see that a virtous woman not only cares physically for her home, but she is also a "watchman" over the emotional and spiritual condition of her family (v.27). Tsapha, Hebrew for "watches" is also translated "watchman." She works willingly with her hands, and there are two kinds of hands that are mentioned here. Kaph, symbolyzing upturned hands extended in prayer (vs. 13) and yad, ministering or serving hands (vs. 20). This virous woman is confident in God when she prays and embraces her role as God's Kingdom Woman!
I noticed also in Prov. 12:4 that it mentions that "an excellent wife is the crown of her husband." Crowns relate to wisdom and a crown
encircles the head. It originates from a word that means "to encircle (for attack or protection)." Wisdom, in effect, surrounds and protects the mind and brings honor to the "head" of one who has it. This verse declares that the godly woman also is a crown to her husband. When she is received as God's gift, her husband will benefit from God's wisdom through her. God's Kingdom Women build a relationship with God first, then relates properly to her husband, so that she can powerfully influence him in every are of his life for the glory of the Lord! Amazing.
Pray: 1) God's Kingdom women of Midland will have revelation of the powerful role each one has in relating to her husband and family. She will see the significance of seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness so her relationship with the Lord is strong. 2) She will have an understanding of the importance of not only having her hands extended to minister but turned upward in prayer. 3) She will keep the correct order of her life so that she will be the crown of her husband's head, bringing much wisdom into their union. 5) That she will be greatly aware of her eternal significance in the Kingdom! Amen!!
Betty Isaacs
for the singles in The One Body of Christ in Midland
yet still holding out for Your best,
but starting to droop
with the weight of days upon them
beating them down,
we pray they will faint not or be weary in well-doing.
for the sequestered ones eating
and sleeping
and talking
too much alone,
starting to be resigned
that there will always be a void this way.
we pray Hope arise
and stay them asThe Anchor of souls.
we pray for the few that truly are to remain
in the normal ways...
for courage and fulfillment and satisfaction and richness
to be multiplied beyond the norm.
we pray these would know You as The Satisfier
that You are,
that You satiate every thirst--
if we ask.
and mysteriously,
You pour over us
Your invisible serum
unmakeable by man,
like liquid honey with gold mingled in,
it covers
all required.
and for the suffering singles,
we pray comfort,
then relief
from their own, personal...
thank You, El Shaddai
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Kingdom Men, Week 9
End the war of confusion and rebellion - the war with and for the hearts and minds of Your men - and bring us peace. Clear the air. Give us peace to walk out our calling, to face what we must face. Peace to face fear, fire, pain and shame; misunderstanding, being shunned, ridiculed and outcast. Peace to face being hungry and thirsty, being different, being without what we are accustomed to in our material wealth and spiritual depravity. Shift that order that our wealth would be foremost in spirit, regardless of the material. Take the temporary that we may have something lasting. Take our wealth to build something eternal.
Bridle the desires of men. We have become headstrong and careless. Bridle us that we may be true men of God: steady, determined and focused; ordered and majestic. In Your service.
Declaration over the men of this city:
There is hope!
We have a place.
There is an honorable calling awaiting us.
There is hope.
We must relent of our headstrong ways and walking out our desires. We must relent of proceeding on our own course; stop, lay down all that we have and turn to Him. Bring us to repentance.
I am not giving up on You! I will not give up on You.
I trust You, God. I trust You.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Father, Help us to listen to you with our spouses! Being a good listener is being silent before you, please help us as married couples to truly be good listeners and to have a desire to seek you in the silence and away from distractions, unified in prayer. Thank you for the simplicity of your answers. In Jesus name, amen
Monday, August 8, 2011
Sat. - for the singles of The One Body of Christ in Midland
a revelation of what it means,
how it looks on the outside,
how it IS on the inside,
where it comes from,
how to walk in it,
for we have lost the word itself,
much less how to live it out loud.
the world needs to see The Holy One,
and how else will they see?
give us knowledge of The Holy One,
for You have said,
"be ye holy,
for I am Holy."
how IS that?
how CAN that be?!
i don't know how You will do this,
but i know You will,
for it is written.
Holy, Holy, Holy
is the Lord God Almighty!
give us thirst for the Holy!
fill the deficit of our knowledge of the Holy!
for we are a people of unclean lips,
dwelling in a land of people with unclean lips.
so, like isaiah,
touch our lips,
that we may utter holy words given by You,
as rain on a thirsty land filled with the unclean.
God! help us to turn from our unclean ways,
our unclean entertainment,
our unclean thoughts,
toward the holy-
toward The Holy!
our wills! our necks! help us to turn our wills
toward the Holy,
which will turn our minds,
then our hearts,
then our actions
to the holy mountain where You dwell.
for our destiny.
Nourishing our Marriages
I apologize for the tardiness of this blog, however i find that it may prove to me and others why God has put this subject on my heart to pray for in the lives of married couples in Midland. I asked Him what to pray for and this is the word that comes to mind, maybe because Andrew and I are planning an "escape" for our 5th anniversary this sept and I have felt guilty or maybe because I hear a resounding "sigh" from many married woman I speak to that feel dry in their marriages.
My prayer is that we would learn to make our covenant marriages a focus, other than our Heavenly Father this is the most productive and significant relationship on earth. I was told once, that marriage is before children, until we had our three sweet ones I had no Idea how true that statement is! I pray that God would show us new and exciting ways to enjoy one another, to breath life into one another, to truly promote growth in one another.
As women we have that privilege, God put it in us to nourish those around us, He created us to be caretakers. We have taken that as a means to focus on our children only and as I am guilty, even when my husband and I are alone that is what I speak of instead of nourishing him however he needs me to.
Father, this week, please please show us how to feed into one another! Show us a new way to fall in love again with our spouses. Please God give us a new take on this marriage thing and show us how to "date" and how to engage passionately with one another as an act of worship to YOU!! In Jesus name, Amen
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Kingdom Men, Week 8
Who are YOU?
Our identity is nothing if we don't know who You are. We must know our Father. Lord help us - reveal Yourself, Father, to Your sons. Give us wisdom and discernment to find You in Your word. Give us ears that we may hear and understand when You speak to us. Give us eyes to see as You display Your true nature and character to us. Place a hunger in us to seek You as our treasure - to seek You as in the Song of Solomon. Increase our desire to KNOW YOU! Not our preconceived ideas of You. Not what our experiences might try to say about You. Not what men or religion have taught us. Please show us who You truly are.
Come, Father. Only You can satisfy. You are the King we want. We want a King! We are men, soldiers, warriors, dying for a King - whether we know it or not. We want You to be king! We want a Father. We want a true love and to be Your lover. We want You, God. We don't want substitutes any longer. We don't want men or false religion trying to take Your place. We don't want other lovers to try fill this void that they never can. We want You first, and above all.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
The Response
As hundreds of Christians gather in Houston at Reliant Stadium for The Response, my prayer time for the Children of The Body has been joined with them, praying for our families, our cities, our nation, our world humbling ourselves, confessing our sins and seeking Him. If you get a chance, turn on the Live Feed. You will be blessed.
Friday, August 5, 2011
July 30, 2011
Kingdom Women of Midland
My time in prayer began with praise and worship. Then the Lord revealed that He wanted to talk about His love. I read 1 John and meditated upon HIs Word. His message to me was there is great pretense in the Kingdom Women because of the lack of agape love in their hearts. Mny have confused lust for love and are operating with a spirit of seduction to obtain the love that only their Father can give. Many look to husbands for the unconditional love that only God can give. God sees the struggle that His women are going through and desires that they come to Him and receive love, which will satisfy the longing of each heart.
My Prayer: Father, I thank You that You know and understand the needs of Your Kingdom Women. Split the heavens and bring forth an invasion of Your Spirit into the hearts of Your Kingdom Women. I do break the power of lies and deception from Your women and ask that each one have a fresh encounter with You. Father, You have told us that the world will know that we are Your disciples for the love we have for one another. O Spirit of the Living God do a great work in the Kingdom Women of Midland to bring forth a greater capacity within each one to contain more of Your love for love covers a multitude of sin. May we witness in this day a great Spiritual awakening brought about by Your Kingdom Women receiving Your love, walking in Your love and giving Your love away! Father, You say if we pray anything according to Your will, You will do it. I know it is Your will that Your Kingdom Women be baptized in Your love and my prayer is let it be Lord, even today!! All the glory and praise goes to You for you are the one that changes hearts and lives. O Lover of our souls come and do what only You can do to perfect Your Kingdom Women of Midland. In Jesus Holy Name I pray.
Monday, August 1, 2011
- I pray for a generation that would love with Gods love. A love that is unfailing and never ending. Love that heals all wounds and comforts all sorrow. That keeps no record of wrong and only seeks the approval of their Father in heaven.
- I pray for a generation that would love with a sacrificial love. A love that will lay it all on the line. A love that wins its wars on its knees in prayer & only advances(move forward) when instructed to.
- I pray for a generation that would love with a boldness. A love that counters the hate, darkness, & chaos of the world. That stands for righteousness & justice though its not popular. One that does whats right even when no ones watching.
- I pray for a generation that would love with the love of a Father. A love that, when needed, gives encouragement and comfort or guidance and correction. One that is patient in the midst of the storm and passionate in the heat of the battle.
- I pray for a generation that would love with compassion & gentleness. A love that reaches out to the poor, orphans, & widows.
- I pray for a generation that would love with open arms & moving feet. A love that goes into all nations sharing the truth, the Gospel, the greatest love story.
- I pray for a generation that would love with a perfect love. The love that set us free! The love that is Jesus Christ!
July- for the singles of The One Body of Christ in midland
cause the earth around us to swell together again with You so that all cracks and crevices are filled with You again.
come to this dry people in desert places and give to drink of That which totally satisfies thirsty souls.
replenish the depleted, that our tongues would praise You again.
God! in Your mercy, please repeat what we've forgotten or misheard; for that which we did hear, we have not been good stewards of. then we wonder how it is that You seem to not be speaking.
sensitize the dull, Lord, for our senses we have not been exercised/ sharpened as we should, so all aorund us...suffer.
Forgive us, Lord, for too often asking, "when?" or "why?" when we just should've obeyed.
God! restore in Your mercy to our children that which we have lost, or defaulted on, that a righteous legacy may flow thicker through us to them.
"for it is good, say I, that I hear knees piercing dirt and bellies hit the floor, in right posture, before Me.
it touches My ear as a sweet and missed hum in the distance below,
lips parting again in murmured praise Heavenward.
yes, go down low, that I may lift you up..."
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Kingdom Men, Week 7
I lay down my plans and my dreams. I release them. Do surgery in the hearts of Your men. Remove our plans and our self-made dreams. Remove our affections and replace them with Yours. Remove the idols and the high places that the other gods - the trifles, desires and passions now occupy; that we would have a single purpose and a single vision.
Remove the idols: money, entertainment, distraction, lust, ambition; even the good things that we have idolized: our families, our good deeds, our activities. Anything placed above You in our souls. Put everything in its right place until You alone are high and lifted up, enthroned in each of our hearts. Be enthroned, that everything in us, whether good our bad, is brought to Your feet; released utterly to Your sovereignty: our ugliness, our guilt and shame; our hopes and dreams; our families, our jobs, our identity, our health, our fears, our gifts, our priorities, our worship... until ALL glory is Yours. Be glorified!
Have mercy on us. Give us strength to stand. We know what we have done, we have sold ourselves. May You eclipse our failure. For Your name's sake, oh God, have mercy. May your mercy triumph over judgment.
For Thy sake, O Lord, let Thy face shine on Thy desolate sanctuary. O my God, incline Your ear and hear! Open Your eyes and see our desolations and the city which is called by Thy name; for we are not presenting our supplications before You on account of of any merits of our own, but on account of Thy great compassion. O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and take action! For Thine own sake, O my God, do not delay, because Thy city and Thy people are called by Thy name. (Dan. 9:17b-19)
Godly Companions
This week, prayer for the Children of The Body was focused on asking the Lord to help them choose wisely when selecting friends and companions. Knowing how much we are affected by those we spend time with, those called by His Name must be careful about the people they spend large blocks of time with. They need to understand how their thoughts, words, and actions are influenced by their companions. Prayer was offered asking the Lord to provide friends and mentors for the Children of His Body who will encourage them in their growth toward being more Christlike.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Jesus had compassion:
- Matthew 9:36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
- Matthew 14:14 When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick.
- Matthew 15:32 Then Jesus called his disciples to him and said, "I have compassion on the crowd because they have been with me now three days and have nothing to eat. And I am unwilling to send them away hungry, lest they faint on the way."
I pray for a generation of superheroes that have a compassionate heart.
- Hearts that break for the things the breaks the Lords heart.
- Hearts to reach out and change their generation for the Kingdom of God.
- Hearts that are filled with the things of God "righteousness" and not the things of the world.
- Hearts dedicated to serving the poor (ones in need), orphans & widows.
- Hearts to spread the truth of the Gospel to a lost, broken, & dying world.
- Hearts to "go" into all the nations with the Gospel starting in their own schools, families, cities, states, & country.
- Hearts set a blazed with a burning passion for the spirit of God.
- Hearts completely sold out to Christ!
I pray that despite the distractions, chaos, rejection and discouragements that this generation of superheroes will arise and be intentional to fight for and keep hold of peace.
- Psalm 29:11 May the LORD give strength to his people!May the LORD bless his people with peace!
- Psalm 34:14 Turn away from evil and do good;seek peace and pursue it.
- 2 Corinthians 13:11 Finally, brothers, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.
- Ephesians 6:14-16 14Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. 16In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one;
- Mark 4:39 And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Peace! Be still!" And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.