As I drew aside with the Lord I began to think about the role of God's Kingdom Women and was led to read Prov. 31:10-31, the description of a virtous wife. In reading this I could see that a virtous woman not only cares physically for her home, but she is also a "watchman" over the emotional and spiritual condition of her family (v.27). Tsapha, Hebrew for "watches" is also translated "watchman." She works willingly with her hands, and there are two kinds of hands that are mentioned here. Kaph, symbolyzing upturned hands extended in prayer (vs. 13) and yad, ministering or serving hands (vs. 20). This virous woman is confident in God when she prays and embraces her role as God's Kingdom Woman!
I noticed also in Prov. 12:4 that it mentions that "an excellent wife is the crown of her husband." Crowns relate to wisdom and a crown
encircles the head. It originates from a word that means "to encircle (for attack or protection)." Wisdom, in effect, surrounds and protects the mind and brings honor to the "head" of one who has it. This verse declares that the godly woman also is a crown to her husband. When she is received as God's gift, her husband will benefit from God's wisdom through her. God's Kingdom Women build a relationship with God first, then relates properly to her husband, so that she can powerfully influence him in every are of his life for the glory of the Lord! Amazing.
Pray: 1) God's Kingdom women of Midland will have revelation of the powerful role each one has in relating to her husband and family. She will see the significance of seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness so her relationship with the Lord is strong. 2) She will have an understanding of the importance of not only having her hands extended to minister but turned upward in prayer. 3) She will keep the correct order of her life so that she will be the crown of her husband's head, bringing much wisdom into their union. 5) That she will be greatly aware of her eternal significance in the Kingdom! Amen!!
Betty Isaacs
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