Purify us. Cleanse the men of Your Body. Purify our hearts, cleanse our minds. Purge sexual immorality from Your church. Remove idolatry. Remove fear. Deliver us from self-pity. Teach us, raise us up, give us revelation of who we are created to be.
Who are YOU?
Our identity is nothing if we don't know who You are. We must know our Father. Lord help us - reveal Yourself, Father, to Your sons. Give us wisdom and discernment to find You in Your word. Give us ears that we may hear and understand when You speak to us. Give us eyes to see as You display Your true nature and character to us. Place a hunger in us to seek You as our treasure - to seek You as in the Song of Solomon. Increase our desire to KNOW YOU! Not our preconceived ideas of You. Not what our experiences might try to say about You. Not what men or religion have taught us. Please show us who You truly are.
Come, Father. Only You can satisfy. You are the King we want. We want a King! We are men, soldiers, warriors, dying for a King - whether we know it or not. We want You to be king! We want a Father. We want a true love and to be Your lover. We want You, God. We don't want substitutes any longer. We don't want men or false religion trying to take Your place. We don't want other lovers to try fill this void that they never can. We want You first, and above all.
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