Sunday, August 21, 2011

Kingdom Men, Week 10

Father, heal us. Remove the hooks, arrows and barbs of the enemy - dissolve them and heal us. Close all the open doos of the enemy into the souls and minds of Your men. Heal us from rejection, divorce, perversion, abuse, neglect, shame.

Break down our walls until we accept who You are and who we are to You. Build up our walls (a standard) against the evils of this world and the evil one. Wake us up, Father, from our sleep; from our deep slumber, from the numbness, from the coma. Send a shock through our system by your Spirit until we are wide awake.

Wide awake! Not in some emotional high, not artificially through medication, feelings or cheap thrills. Wide awake in the rush of Your Spirit. Clarity, utter clarity. Courage. I speak courage into the hearts of men. Hope. Nothing can separate us from Your love.

Send Your angels bearing armor and the weapons of our warfare to this battleground. Sound the trumpet, sound the alarm! From sleep, from slumber, from darkness and hiding - to battle. Train us, Holy Spirit. Teach us to use our weapons. Train us up. Quickly train us, as David went straight from the fields to victory on the battlefield. Thank You for our armor and the weapons of our warfare. (2 Cor 10:3-5)

Every lie and every bearer of lies to the hearts and minds of Your men is taken captive by the blood of Christ. I bring the sword of Truth to the throat of every lie speaking to the hearts of the men of God. No more rejection. No more fear. No more performance and striving. The weapons of our warfare are divinely powerful and I tear down every tower and foundation of lies buried in the hearts of God's men. Every thought is the captive of Christ. Father, do the work. Jesus destroy the lies. I release Your Truth, God. May it rain down upon us!

Teach us to love and to be loved.

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