Tuesday, August 30, 2011

kingdom marriages

Lord, thank you for your grace, for your mercy and your forgiveness...I am completely aware that I NEED your new mercies everyday, that I use all of those mercies daily and I need the new ones each and everyday.
I am painfully aware that I don't have the same mercy with my husband as God has with me. While I was praying today I really felt that asking God for an understanding of what being merciful is for every married Christian in midland, if we could all truly understand grace with our spouses and our loved ones, to really know how to handle each other and not get offended easily.
Something that God has been showing Andrew and I is the need for holiness, so I prayed for that too, that God would show us what holiness looks like inside our daily lives, what it is to strive for holiness and have our marriages look and sound like a holy matrimony, not just some people that got hitched and are now stuck together.
Lord Jesus, show us what marriage looks like to YOU and how to look different than the world in our marriages. Let us as couples be salt and light to the world, show us Father, how we can impact those around us for your Kingdom by being in a HOLY marriage, and in a HOLY relationship to you. In Jesus Name, Amen

1 comment:

  1. I needed to read this - though I am not married, I am living with my parents and I find myself not be loving or kind to them - not showing the same love and mercy to them that the Lord has shown to me. This blessed my heart and helped me to see the prayer I need to pray in regards to my child/parent relationship. Thank you much ~ Blessings ~Alice
