Glory to Your Name, Jesus. Be high and lifted up among all men. All glory and honor and praise to the King of Kings. I lift up Your Name, Jesus. Blessed be Your Name. I worship You, Lord. Holy Spirit move so that the worship, the honor, the reverence for Jesus would spring forth from the hearts of God's men, the sons of God.
You are God! We worship You, we bow before You. Remove our idols. Remove the idols in our hearts: our wills, our pride, our reputations, our goals; remove the idols born of our lusts and pleasures. You are God, You are the only God. We have invented heroes and gods to diminish Your incomparable greatness and to desensitize ourselves to the enormity of who You are. You alone are a god, no other gods exists. The only god is the One True God.
You, alone, are God.
We worship You alone. There is none like You, God. There is nothing comparable to You. You are the One true unmade, unsearchable God. You are the Only. You are the One. You are all. We bow before You. I bow before You, my sovereign creator.
Please increase the time of fathers with their children. Holy Spirit, move upon the hearts of men and turn their hearts and their thoughts toward their children. Increase the love, compassion and holy desire of fathers for their children. Stir a longing in every father to be a father, to accept the mantle, to step up, to war for the right and the responsibility. Open the doors for fathers and their children. Open the doors, God. Equip us. Anoint us. Stir us up. Break the chains. Destroy the walls and barriers. Please fill the gulfs, the gaps, the chasms. Make the way, Father. Show us the Way.
Repair the breach and restore us to Your plan. Tear down the walls in our hearts, tear down the walls between us - the walls without and within. Place Your heart within us. Heal the sons. Heal each one of us and heal our sons as well. Heal us that we may be true fathers, heal us that we may be true sons.
Hos. 11:1-4
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