Personal Holiness

The prayer focus this week for the Children of the Body was personal holiness. I'm praying that they will understand how the enemy seeks to pollute them through compromise with the world. May they have discernment to recognize any ground they may have already given over to the evil one for a foothold in their soul. Once identified, then reclaimed so that they are not divided in their loyalties. May they recognize just how much spiritual power and influence is sacrificed on the altar of compromise. May His Consuming Fire stir up in them an insatiable hunger and thirst for Him. May they recognize that nothing the world has to offer will satisfy, it's merely a shadow and an illusion. May they walk in the fullness of their Inheritance, filled with His Holiness. May they allow Him to take them through the Refining Fire so the dross will rise to the surface where He can skim it off, leaving them pure before their Holy Father. May their be no fear of man in their hearts, but may the Fear of the Lord bear the fruit of Wisdom in their spirits. May He be free to wield them as weapons and tools to accomplish His Purposes and edify The Body.
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