Sunday, June 26, 2011

Prayer for Children of His Body

There were many things laid on my heart to pray for the children of His Body in Midland, but this week the focus was on the blessing of authority. Our culture is so lacking in an understanding of the principle of submitting to the authority the Father has placed over each of us, that we have missed out on the blessings He intended. 

For the children of His Body, may they each understand the command to honor their father and mother. 

May they choose for their every thought, word, and action to show them respect. 

May they understand that by honoring their parents and living under their authority, they are honoring the Father and living under His Authority. 

May they recognize the protection, provision, and direction He gives through those He places in authority over us, even when that authority figure does not understand their position. 

May they understand that they can choose to honor the position held, even if the person holding it is not honorable. 

May they never become those with a mocking spirit, ridiculing and criticizing their parents. 

May they see the Glory that surrounds them when they truly walk in a spirit of honor for their parents and how that testifies to the Body and to the world about the Holiness of God.

May they be those called out and set apart for Him by their choice to walk in honor, with the posture of their heart submitted to the Father. 

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