Jeremiah 2:20-21
Once again the Lord started speaking to me this morning about what he wanted me to pray for this evening. Yet again I didn't really understand what He was showing me in this verse until I caught this vision WHILE praying. The vine on the left is lonely...it is independent of any other vine or living anything. The vine on the Right has many many parts, all intertwined and all blooming stronger because of the support of the others.
Father was speaking to me today about His hope for our dependance on Him, and our joining as one through that dependance.
My prayers were directed to married women today...I believe we have made ourselves into that lonely vine on the left when we were created to be/planted with the purpose to be connected, intertwined even with our husbands. I asked God to take away this spirit of independence from us, that we will stop living as though we are single and live as though we are connected...in a covenant with another.
This verse in Jeremiah makes it clear to us that God planted us as a vine with promise...He considered us "grade A" even though we as a people had Whored ourselves out to any god we could find. He planted us expecting great things and got crap....but the amazing part is...HE EXPECTED GREATNESS!
So I prayed that our focus would be on wholeheartedly serving our families which we don't deserve as though we are serving Jesus Himself, because we are...There is unity that comes out of servanthood, there is joy that comes from truly and meekly choosing to cleave to the one that God has bound us to and really learning to love him because we love HIM.
Midland as a whole carries a spirit of independence and I ask the Lord to remove that from those who are married in the Body of Christ, that we may set the example to what our vows and covenant look like...what it means to really walk those out.