Father, thank You for Your goodness. Thank You for Your goodness displayed to me in my son. Thank You for our sons. God, we have lost some of the reality - the Truth - of our fatherhood. Please cause us to fully realize, to know and accept that we are fathers... that we may know and fully embrace fatherhood. Help us to know and accept You as Father.
Thank You for Your kindness, Father. Thank You for Your patience. Thank You that You train us and discipline us, Father. Thank You for being gracious and for never letting us go. You are so good, Father. Teach us to be like You. Free us and deliver us that we may be like You.
Help us to know You, God; and in knowing You may the veils be removed that we may resemble You.
Lord, please remove vanity and self-promotion from within the hearts and minds of Your men. That we would have no appetite for our own recognition and notoriety but rather a burning desire to see Your Name lifted high. That we would bow and give honor to You and who You are. May self-promotion wither at its root that we would live for Your fame. Remove our ambition. Speak to us our name and our identity that we would no longer seek for vain and corrupt replacements. God, may each of us hear You call us by name and, by Your grace, have the humility to bow - offering our lives in full surrender.
Restore the hearts of the fathers to their children. Restore the children to their fathers. God, restore the hearts of Your sons to You! Father, we are Your sons. we want to love You, to honor You. Restore our hearts to You. Restore Your sons, oh God. Bring restoration, Father. In the rain, God, bring restoration.